Your communication is successful when ideas, messages, and themes are based on the brand’s position and aimed at the target group. If your business needs communication that speaks on the target audience’s terms, touches people, and creates emotional engagement, we recommend contacting us at Tindre Design.
Do you feel like your creative communication does not receive enough engagement from the target group? Are you unsure whether you appear indistinct in the market? Are you looking for graphic designers you can trust?
You are not alone, and we are here to help you. We deliver powerful communication concepts based on the company’s defined goals. Tindre Design is a small agency that has delivered creative solutions to over 100 companies in Norway since 2004.
All-in-one supplier
We develop brand strategy and deliver creative communication solutions, large and small, on all surfaces.
More attention
We use our creativity to generate attention around your products and services in paid, earned and owned media.
Desired reputation
A good reputation is something you have to earn. We build communication around how you want to appear and be perceived by the outside world.
Evaluation and goals
Evaluation helps us adjust, sharpen and specify the communication so that the overall goals such as sales growth, increased volume, and market share are achieved.
Pick a date and time in the calendar, fill in your contact details, confirm the booking, and you will receive a link to the meeting.
Meet us on Teams for a pleasant strategy conversation, including budget and progress clarifications.
Congratulations, you have made a good choice! Enjoy the creative process of clarifying and strengthening your business.